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Nick Reyes


May 5, 2023

July Male Athlete Spotlight - Kenny Macdonald

When did you start CrossFitting? Who/what got you started? I started December 2016. My first and only box has been 913! A friend of mine, Jonathan Jardine, who I would run with, talked me into giving it a try.What is your favorite/least favorite WOD?I think my favorite WOD is Murph. Although I am yet to truly RX it, for me it represents a goal (to complete it RX) and an appreciation for those who gave their all. My least favorite WOD is Fran, but perhaps now that I can do a few more pull ups I might change my mind next time.What is your favorite/least favorite movement?I really enjoy cleans and wall balls. I don’t care much for Thrusters.

Tell us a little bit about yourself (family, job, sports, interests, etc.)Carrie (my wonderful wife) and I were married 22 years ago. We have 5 children, 4 daughters, ages 19, 17, 12 and 9, and one son, age 15. She has been a true saint, not only to bear all these children, but to support me through medical school and residency training. I am a Radiation Oncologist, which means I treat a variety of cancers with specialized radiation equipment. I am part of private group of Radiation Oncologists, one of the largest in the nation, as there are 16 of us. I enjoy following our undergraduate alma mater, Brigham Young University (BYU), in many sports, particularly football. I love college football and international soccer. We have a hobby farm near Cleveland, MO where we grow hay, swim in a pond, and teach our children the values of work, diligence and responsibility. Our oldest just finished her first year of college at BYU. We also love to travel and feel privileged that we have taken our children on various trips across the US, to the Caribbean, and to central/south America, and parts of Europe.What was your workout routine before CrossFit?Prior to Crossfit I used to run a lot, usually 20 to 30 miles a week. I started running Tough Mudders with some friends the year I turned 40 (2013), and have now completed 7 of them. What did you think after your first CrossFit workout?I was hooked! I wasn’t sure I would ever learn all the various techniques and skills, but I was impressed with the personal scalability and adapting of the workouts to each person’s abilities.What were your goals when joining CrossFit? Have you achieved any of those goals?I guess when I joined my goal was to find an alternative to the wear and tear of running miles a week. Later, I have determined I want to hand stand walk, complete pull ups, as well as toes-to-bar and double unders. I have improved my pull ups, I can now do toes to bar pretty consistently and I am still working on DUs and HSPUs. Recently, I wanted to lose weight but not my gains in the gym. I have adapted components of RP strength and other online nutrition programs and since May 1 I have lost 13 pounds. Next, I want to gain strength in many of my principle lifts.

Has CrossFit affected your life outside the gym?Absolutely, it has reminded me that practice is the key to improvement. It has given me something to share with my children. It has also led to much healthier eating habits, weight and just feeling a ton better physically.Do you have any other special memories/ achievements during your time here?For me, I think the biggest achievement that I owe full credit to our great coaches is that I am more fit, stronger, and more capable of completing physical challenges now at the age of 44, than when I was at 34 or even 24.What advice would you give to a newbie just joining CrossFit 913?Embrace the family! Our box is more than a daily 1-hour work out. It is a place of acceptance, support and kindness. That is primarily a product of the tremendous and genuine coaches and staff who are truly interested not just in our safety but in our progress and health. Something you might not know about me is?I have written/published over 30+ peer reviewed articles, chapters and books on a variety of cancer topics including prostate, lung, endometrial (uterine), gall bladder, bile duct and cervical cancers.

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