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Nick Reyes


May 5, 2023

September Male Athlete Spotlight - Dan Forsha

When did you start CrossFitting? Who/what got you started?Mary & Tyler Seals (neighbors) persuaded me to give it a try… just like they did with the rest of the Summerwood group (they should apologize daily for Andy). They didn’t have to try very hard as I was fascinated by the idea of Crossfit as I was not motivated/fulfilled by the running that I was doing at the time. What is your favorite/least favorite WOD?Coming in as an endurance/runner, I used to like light/motor/body weight driven WODs like Cindy, but now I love that barbell (Grace/Isabel). I don’t really hate any WODs, but those 21 min EMOMs (the Wednesday Special) can get pretty damn painful.What is your favorite/least favorite movement?While it has long been my Kryptonite, the Snatch is my favorite. So technical. Also, TJ’s dance moves. Least favorite is probably the burpee box jumpover. Nothing turns “Strong Dan” into “Busted Dan” like those things.

Tell us a little bit about yourself (family, job, sports, interests, etc.)Married 14 years to a wonderful woman. Two daughters (7th and 4th grade) with future Crossfit potential - gymnasts. Awesome family. Good job as a heart doctor at Children’s Mercy. Mostly saw patients in the past and now I mostly do research with the grant that came through recently (after many tries). My research focuses on the cardiovascular health benefits of exercise and weight loss in teenagers. My age says I’m older, but I don’t really feel older (except that recovery takes a little longer). Grew up in Denver… still my favorite city, although KC is running a strong 2nd these days. It’s just too bad that the Chiefs are here. If the Broncos could have come with me to KC, it would be perfect. I also love Duke Basketball as I did my medical training there. I know… I suck. But #countthosechampionships.What was your workout routine before CrossFit?Jogging and occasional weights (power/upper body only) were the recent activities and I wasn’t particularly motivated by them. Grew up in the Colorado mountains (rock climbing, mountain biking, hiking…). Played team sports as a kid and adult. Love pretty much all sports/activities.What did you think after your first CrossFit workout?Overhead squats on my first day and my shoulder mobility was… not good. My thumbs were numb for two days and I didn’t even put weight on the bar, but I remember sticking around after that first class with Brady trying to figure out the movement. I was hooked immediately.

What were your goals when joining CrossFit? Have you achieved any of those goals?As most CF newbies, I had some areas that I was pretty good at and other areas that I sucked at (strength, oly technique). A major goal was to become a well rounded Crossfitter. While my motor and body weight/gymnastic skills remain better than my strength, I have improved my well-roundedness (is that a word?). I lift about twice what I did when I started and have added about 20 lb of muscle since starting. Having a reasonably heavy barbell in my hands during a WOD does not instantly mean I have to scale these days. A remaining goal is to qualify for regionals in Masters (700ish/25000 in 2018 – need top 200). Still have to get stronger and better to get there.Has CrossFit affected your life outside the gym?It really is an amazing group of people at 913. Love hanging out, although my schedule does not allow me to hang out with you guys as much as I would like to. CF allows improves my sleep, job related anxiety, and my overall chill (even if chill is maybe not the first word you would all think of for me). Do you have any other special memories/ achievements during your time here?

  1. Working with Ant and Nick on the Snatch
  2. Sweating/bleeding/trying not to puke with all of you
  3. Sandbags (see pic)
  4. Watching others develop. It’s really amazing to watch both the newbies and the veterans getting better and better. The difficulty of the movements/weight in the 913 programming is 100% more challenging than it was when I started… and everyone has responded by stepping up their game. Cool to see.
  5. Sunday Funday – love working weaknesses.

What advice would you give to a newbie just joining CrossFit 913?

  1. Watch others – you can learn a lot from just watching
  2. Videotape your own movements
  3. Show the coaches that you want to get better and that you will listen (at least most of the time ☺
  4. Be patient – there are way too many movements to get good quickly at a sport like this
  5. Ask multiple people for help if you are stuck – you never know who will get you the cue that makes sense for you
  6. Leave that ego at the door (still working on this one myself).
  7. If competitions look scary but cool, try one.
  8. Being sore is par for the course.

Something you might not know about me is?I have already used 7 of my 9 lives and none of those near misses have involved CF. 1) Lions den, 2) Ice fall, 3) Donuts on the highway, 4) rope failure, 5) rattlesnake, 6) drunk and climbing, 7) avalanche.I also talk (or write) a lot. You might have already known that.

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