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Nick Reyes


May 5, 2023

June Female Athlete Spotlight - Sidney Wells

When did you start CrossFitting? Who/what got you started?A year and a half ago, at a gym in Denton, Texas. My wonderful husband, Sam, introduced me to it!What is your favorite/least favorite WOD?My favorite WOD is Annie – least favorite WOD is anything and everything that involves squat snatches or overhead squats. What is your favorite/least favorite movement?My favorite movement is probably power cleans – for my least favorite movement please see above* SQUAT SNATCHES.Tell us a little bit about yourself (family, job, sports, interests, etc.)I am new to Kansas City – Sam and I moved here a little over a year ago from Dallas, Texas. Sam and I have been married for a year and are the proud owners of a funny looking dog from the shelter (@gusthepoundog). I work in tech consulting and travel frequently for work. Overall, we certainly blessed beyond measure with the community we have found here, our jobs, family and our marriage.

What was your workout routine before CrossFit?Prior to CrossFit I worked as a model for an agency in Dallas for about 5 years. Trainers and agents encouraged us to “walk not run”, avoid protein after workouts, and only do body weight movements... Sooo my workout routine has changed ever so slightly 😊 What did you think after your first CrossFit workout?I knew immediately it was something I wanted to continue doing! It was so drastically different from my past “workout” routine and far more taxing physically and mentally. I thought, “how much healthier could I be if I worked out this hard all the time?”What were your goals when joining CrossFit? Have you achieved any of those goals?My goal was simply to be a better version of myself. A stronger, healthier and happier version. Crossfit and the community it creates has certainly checked off those boxes for me. I even gained 20lbs!Has CrossFit affected your life outside the gym?Absolutely! I have more energy and feel stronger. I’m most grateful for the friendships made as a result of the gym– we love the 913 community!

Do you have any other special memories/ achievements during your time here?I got my first bar muscle up at 913! I also learned how to do double-unders and hand stand push-ups here!What advice would you give to a newbie just joining CrossFit 913?Continue to show up – set your own goals – enjoy itSomething you might not know about me is?This time last year, I graduated with my MBA, married Sam, and moved to Kansas all in the same month!

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