When did you start CrossFitting? Who/what got you started? I started crossfit in 2015 when Patrick and I were living in Springfield, MO. I had been wanting to try crossfit for a long time but I was too nervous to go on my own. That summer I was at a pool party and I saw a girl who was ripped and found out she did crossfit so I not so subtly invited myself to her gym. What is your favorite/least favorite WOD? My favorite wod is literally any partner wod. My least favorite WOD is Randy. I have some lasting trauma from doing Randy in Battle of the Brave with Sam Wells (don’t worry about forgiving me Sam, I don’t even forgive myself). What is your favorite/least favorite movement? My favorite barbell movement is snatch. I also love a few gymnastic movements including handstand push ups, handstand walks, bar muscle ups, ring muscle ups, pull ups, chest to bars, and toes to bar. My least favorite movement is deadlift.
Tell us a little bit about yourself (family, job, sports, interests, etc.) I am originally from a small town near Des Moines, IA. I graduated college from Rockhurst University where I played four years of softball and met my husband Patrick. I received my masters in social work and I am now working as a mental health therapist at a Community Health Center. Patrick and I have two beautiful baby boys Wilbur and Goose. They are the light of our lives.What was your workout routine before CrossFit?I’ve been playing sports my entire life so I have always been pretty active. After my softball career ended, I struggled to find a consistent workout routine that I could stick to. I would pop in and out of the gym to lift but I mostly became a cardio bunny and just ran my little heart out. What did you think after your first CrossFit workout?I thought “holy shit this is amazing”. I was actually able to RX the workout (squats and rope climbs) and the entire gym cheered me on. I was dumbfounded by the support I felt, I couldn’t wait to come back the next day. What were your goals when joining CrossFit? Have you achieved any of those goals?My goal when I first started was to master every crossfit movement and complete all workouts RX. There are still some workouts that I can’t complete RX (I hate you Linda) but I am working on it.
Has CrossFit affected your life outside the gym? Crossfit has become a major part of my life, not only for the fitness but for the friendships it has offered me. I was lucky enough to have met my very best friends through this sport and I will forever be grateful for that. Do you have any other special memories/ achievements during your time here?The best memory that crossfit has provided was qualifying for wodapalooza with my best friends. Together we set out for this goal and with the help of the 913 coaches and athletes in the gym we were able to go compete in the beautiful Miami sunshine. What advice would you give to a newbie just joining CrossFit 913?Keep showing up. Crossfit is not always easy, it can be defeating if you let it but it also provides such an opportunity for self growth, accomplishment, and friendships. Its amazing what this sport can teach you about yourself and the empowerment it offers. Something you might not know about me is?I am a twin! I have a twin brother, Seth, who unfortunately passed away in 2017. As my twin, Seth was always down to match each other and he is the reason I get so excited to match people in the gym! So KSAC please let me know when blackout Saturdays can be a thing.
KS Athletic Club
KS Athletic Club
KS Athletic Club